Soft Repair: Cum instalezi Phoenix Service Software - Tutorial

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Cum instalezi Phoenix Service Software - Tutorial

Publicat de Ynf3rn0 duminică, 2 octombrie 2011

Downloadati Phoenix Service Software .

Resurse necesare  :
Microsoft Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Windows 7 (all editions) - 1.0 Ghz Pentium 3/4 or AMD Athlon/64 compatible processor - 256MB system memory (RAM) - 1.5 GB free, uncompressed hard-disk space* - ATI Radeon 9800/NVidia Geforce Ti4200 with at least 128MB memory - Microsoft DirectX 9.0c or higher* - DVD-ROM Drive for installation - 1 free USB 1.1/2.0 port - 100% DirectX 9 compatible sound card (optional) 

1) Deschideti fisierul descarcat 

2) Dati click pe Next 
3) Aplicatia se va instala si va aparea : 
4) Instalarea s-a terminat . Deschideti fiserul de pe desktop : 
Odata deschis , el arata astfel :

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